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Child and Youth Care

The Long and Short of it

Author: Jack Phelan

ISBN 978-1-928212-18-8  (ebook)  /  978-1-928212-19-5 (Paperback)
Published: 2015
Pages: 194

Child and Youth Care practice is doing and thinking in real time. Working without a net, at the coal face, dancing in rhythm, hanging in, feeling the pain are all accurate descriptions, yet explaining the “why and how” to others can be difficult.

This book is a compilation of writings mostly done for CYC-Online over several years, which try to open a discussion about the why and how. Many pieces are deliberately short, to be easily digested and thought about later. All of them are written for practitioners with a simplicity aimed at the other side of complexity.

Hopefully, the range of direct Child and Youth Care practitioners from new to very skilled, as well as supervisors and program managers who read this book will find both validation and challenge to continue to dance well.


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