Child and Youth Care Practice with Families
Editors: Leon Fulcher PhD and Thom Garfat PhD
ISBN 978-1-928212-15-7 (ebook) / 978-1-928212-16-4
Published: 2015
Pages: 262
This volume provides a compelling case for
the extension of child and youth care work to the families of
clients. Enriched with case exemplars from different cultures,
it explores the imperatives for a broader focus, the
similarities and the differences with traditional child-focused
work, and the unique skills, perspectives and values that child
and youth care workers bring with them.
– Howard Bath, Child and
Youth Care Consultant and Inaugural Children’s Commissioner,
Northern Territory, Australia
The centrality of the family can often be
overlooked in some forms of Child and Youth Care work.This
collection explores the many dimensions of family work from a
child and youth care perspective, accessibly and with acute
insight. It should be priority reading for those working with
families, and perhaps those who are not!
– Laura Steckley, University of Strathclyde,
Child and Youth Care Practice with Families
is a thoughtful compilation of best-in-class thinking on how to
effectively engage, support, and strengthen families.Those
working in children's mental health, education, child welfare,
or any practice setting which involves family members will find
practical, culturally-sound guidance on how to be with and
strengthen families in critical life moments.
– James Freeman,
California, USA
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