Intentional CYC Supervision
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Intentional CYC Supervision

A Developmental Approach

Jack Phelan

ISBN 978-1-928212-29-4  (ebook) / 978-1-928212-30-0 (paperback)
Published: August 2017
Pages: 130

This book challenges CYC supervisors and administrators to build treatment programs that go beyond merely managing behavior and establishing safe environments that don't really create the help that our youth and families require. Management is a primary skill for all supervisors, but building effective professional practice through supporting relational and developmentally focused practitioners is the real goal of supervision. The growth of professional expertise for each CYC practitioner is the responsibility of both supervisors and administrators, and this book describes a methodology to create treatment programs that support growth and change for supervisors, practitioners, and the youth and families we propose to help.

Poor supervision is a constantly cited reason for CYC staff turnover. This book attempts to explain this issue and proposes a comprehensive solution that will build effective CYC programs that will engage people at every level of the organization.


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