Residential Child and Youth Care in a Developing World
Middle East and Asia Perspectives
Tuhinul Islam, PhD and Leon Fulcher, PhD - editors
ISBN 978-1-928212-38-6 (ebook) / 978-1-928212-37-9
Published: 2018
Pages: 393 (Paperback)
Growing numbers of governments,
professionals and international NGOs want to know about the
context and conditions in which children live in alternative
care across the Middle East and Asia Region. This Volume
makes an important contribution by filling in knowledge gaps
with 26 very accessible chapters that identify policies and
practices operating in countries little known to readers of
Dr Ian Milligan, International
Advisor Centre for Excellence for Looked After Children in
Scotland (CELCIS)
This volume is the first of its
kind in which contributors from across the Middle East and
Asia Region discuss how residential child and youth care is
provided in their localities. Practitioners, managers,
scholars, policymakers and educators interested in
international social work and residential child and youth
care will find this volume an essential resource. Highly
suitable for instructional purposes, every chapter of this
eminently readable book includes insightful questions that
foster reflection and deeper learning.
Abdullahi Barise, MSW, PhD Professor
and Rector, City University of Mogadishu, Somalia
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