Residential CYC - European Perspectives
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Residential Child and Youth Care in a Developing World

European Perspectives

Tuhinul Islam, PhD and Leon Fulcher, PhD - editors

ISBN 978-1-928212-28-7 (ebook)  /  978-1-928212-24-9 (Paperback)
Published: May 2017
Pages: 333 (Paperback)

I congratulate you for this amazing effort to collect “stories” of Residential Child and Youth Care worldwide! In trying to meet the individual needs of children and young people who can't live with their family, a variety of quality services and settings is required. Our 60 years of experience in delivering preventive services to families and providing direct care for children and young people - currently in 134 countries – reinforces messages shared in this Volume: It takes financial resources as well as dedicated and well-trained people to provide quality care for our world's most vulnerable children.

Elisabeth Ullmann-Gheri – Care Advisor, SOS Children’s Villages International, Innsbruck, Austria


This is a most welcome publication that, during the next decade, could help shape residential care for young people across the European Union and beyond. Residential child and youth care continues to form an essential part of child welfare services throughout Europe. All countries in this study care about their children and young people in residential care – the challenge is to care for these young people with personalised, needs-led nurturing.

Gabrielle Graham, M.Litt, PhD – Child and Youth Care Consultant, Greystones, Ireland  and Dublin Institute of Technology (retired)


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